Corvette Clubs:

Colorado Springs Corvette Club -- The Colorado Springs Corvette Club. 

Looking Glass Corvette Association -- A Lakewood, Colorado based Corvette Club.

Top of the Rockies Corvette Association -- A Longmont, Colorado based Corvette Club.

Corvettes West of Greeley Co -- A Greeley, Colorado based Corvette Club.

NCRS Rocky Mountain Chapter -- Serving the Corvette community in the Rocky Mountain Region, dedicated to the preservation and restoration of 1953 - 1982 Corvettes.

Corvette information:

Corvette Action Center - This is a great Corvette website.  It contains a number of forums, historical information, pictures, and tons of technical information about Corvettes.

Corvette Forum -- This website contains numerous Corvette related forums.  If you are looking for information about any aspect of Corvettes, this is probably a good place to look.

Vette Net -- Corvette related information about, well Corvettes.  Including general information, maintenance, modifications, clubs, pictures, etc.

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